Keeping the Conversational Score : Constraints for an Optimal Contextualist Answer?

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    • Pages: 295 to 314
    • Support: Electronic document
    • Languages: Anglais
    • Édition: Original
    • ISSN: 1572-8420-61-2/3
    • DOI: 10.1007/s10670-004-0487-5
    • URL: External link
    • Creation date: 04-01-2011
    • Last update: 02-06-2011



    Conversational contextualism states that the truth-conditions expressed by knowledge-attributing sentences vary relative to the context of utterance. This context is determined partly by different standards the person involved must meet in order to make the sentence true. I am concerned with the question of how these standards can be raised or lowered, and especially what happens to the standards and the conversational score when parties in a discussion push the conversational scores in different directions. None of the available options for an answer seems satisfying. I argue that this results from a misunderstanding of the characteristics of the situation at hand.