Science and its Fabrication

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  • Pages: XII-142
  • Support: Print
  • Format: 23 cm.
  • Languages: Anglais
  • Édition: Original
  • Location: Buckingham
  • ISBN: 0335093175 (pbk)
  • Creation date: 02-12-2015
  • Last update: 02-12-2015



Science and its Fabrication is a sequel to the famous What is This Thing Called Science?. Chalmers is concerned to counter those who read his earlier book as supporting relativism, while continuing to argue that there are fatal problems with all attempts to present unique, ahistorical and objective standards for science. He argues that science does have its own internal rules and that it is these that are most appropriate for understanding the normal progress of science and its success in fulfilling its aims. He accepts that sociology has much to tell us about the history of science and that the links between politics and science in the modern world are too important to be ignored, but he doesn't accept what some radical sociologists have argued — that science can be understood as the result of purely external forces. Chalmers' basic position on the nature of science is quite practical, and will be more acceptable to practising scientists than most philosophers. M.-M. V.