Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
17.93 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
#▲ | Time | Info | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | 1.06 ms |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.nom AS nom_2, t0.prenom AS prenom_3, t0.annee_naissance AS annee_naissance_4, t0.annee_mort AS annee_mort_5, t0.fonction AS fonction_6, t0.commentaire AS commentaire_7, t0.url_id AS url_id_8 FROM personne t0 WHERE t0.id = ?
2 | 0.47 ms |
SELECT t0.collection_id AS collection_id_1, t0.directeur_id AS directeur_id_2 FROM collection_directeur t0 WHERE t0.directeur_id = ?
3 | 8.87 ms |
SELECT DISTINCT d.id, CASE WHEN d.annee IS NOT NULL AND d.annee <> 0 THEN d.annee ELSE d2.annee END AS date, d.type_id AS TYPE, STRING_AGG(CAST(dl.langue_id AS VARCHAR),' ' ORDER BY dl.langue_id ASC) AS langues, d.editeur_id AS editeur, d.collection_id AS collection, regexp_replace(regexp_replace(LOWER(unaccent(d.titre)), '[[:punct:]]', '', 'g'), '^\s+', '', 'g') AS titre_formate, roles, paratextes FROM document d LEFT JOIN document_langue dl ON d.id = dl.document_id LEFT JOIN infos_element el ON d.infos_element_id = el.id LEFT JOIN document d2 ON el.doc_hote_id = d2.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT aut.document_id, STRING_AGG(CAST(aut.role_id AS VARCHAR), ' ' ORDER BY aut.role_id ASC) AS roles FROM document_autorite aut WHERE aut.personne_id = ? GROUP BY aut.document_id ) aut_roles ON d.id = aut_roles.document_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT para.document_id, STRING_AGG(CAST(para.paratexte_id AS VARCHAR), ' ' ORDER BY para.paratexte_id ASC) AS paratextes FROM document_paratexte para WHERE para.personne_id = ? GROUP BY para.document_id ) para_paratextes ON d.id = para_paratextes.document_id WHERE d.validation = 1 AND aut_roles.document_id IS NOT NULL OR para_paratextes.document_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY d.id, date, TYPE, editeur, collection, titre_formate, roles, paratextes ORDER BY titre_formate ASC, date DESC
[ 1022 1022 ]
4 | 0.53 ms |
SELECT id, libelle_fr, libelle_en, -1 AS count, false AS checked FROM langue ORDER BY id
5 | 0.51 ms |
SELECT id, libelle_fr, libelle_en, -1 AS count, false AS checked FROM TYPE ORDER BY id
6 | 0.47 ms |
SELECT id, libelle_fr, libelle_en, -1 AS count, false AS checked FROM role ORDER BY id
7 | 0.33 ms |
SELECT id, libelle_fr, libelle_en, -1 AS count, false AS checked FROM paratexte ORDER BY id
8 | 4.75 ms |
SELECT DISTINCT id, titre, comp_titre, TYPE, fascicule, cahier, volume, tome, titre_formate, date, editeur, collection, id_hote, titre_hote, volume_hote, tome_hote, fascicule_hote, cahier_hote, discipline_fr, discipline_en, type_these, directeur, codirecteur, STRING_AGG(CAST(langue AS VARCHAR), ' ') AS langue_id, pos FROM ( SELECT d.id, d.titre, d.comp_titre, d.type_id AS TYPE, d.fascicule, d.cahier, d.volume, d.tome, regexp_replace(regexp_replace(LOWER(unaccent(d.titre)), '[[:punct:]]', '', 'g'), '^\s+', '', 'g') AS titre_formate, CASE WHEN d.annee IS NOT NULL AND d.annee <> 0 THEN d.annee ELSE d2.annee END AS date, -- EDITEUR ET COLLECTION -- e.nom AS editeur, c.nom AS collection, -- INFOS ELEMENT -- d2.id AS id_hote, CASE WHEN d2.id IS NOT NULL THEN d2.titre ELSE NULL END AS titre_hote, CASE WHEN d2.id IS NOT NULL THEN d2.volume ELSE NULL END AS volume_hote, CASE WHEN d2.id IS NOT NULL THEN d2.tome ELSE NULL END AS tome_hote, CASE WHEN d2.id IS NOT NULL THEN d2.fascicule ELSE NULL END AS fascicule_hote, CASE WHEN d2.id IS NOT NULL THEN d2.cahier ELSE NULL END AS cahier_hote, -- INFOS THESE -- th.discipline_fr, th.discipline_en, th.type_these, CONCAT(p1.prenom,' ',p1.nom) AS directeur, STRING_AGG(CONCAT(p2.prenom,' ',p2.nom), ', ') AS codirecteur, STRING_AGG(CAST(dl.langue_id AS VARCHAR), ' ') AS langue, ARRAY_POSITION(ARRAY[1175,2971], d.id) AS pos FROM document d LEFT JOIN editeur e ON d.editeur_id = e.id LEFT JOIN collections c ON d.collection_id = c.id LEFT JOIN infos_element el ON d.infos_element_id = el.id LEFT JOIN document d2 ON el.doc_hote_id = d2.id LEFT JOIN infos_these th ON d.infos_these_id = th.id LEFT JOIN personne p1 ON th.directeur_id = p1.id LEFT JOIN codirection_these cdt ON th.id = cdt.these_id LEFT JOIN personne p2 ON cdt.codirecteur_id = p2.id LEFT JOIN document_langue dl ON d.id = dl.document_id WHERE d.validation = 1 AND d.id IN (1175,2971) GROUP BY d.id, d.titre, d.comp_titre, d.type_id, d.fascicule, d.cahier, d.volume, d.tome, titre_formate, date, editeur, collection, id_hote, titre_hote, volume_hote, tome_hote, fascicule_hote, cahier_hote, th.discipline_fr, th.discipline_en, th.type_these, directeur, pos, langue_id ) AS req GROUP BY id, titre, comp_titre, TYPE, fascicule, cahier, volume, tome, titre_formate, date, editeur, collection, id_hote, titre_hote, volume_hote, tome_hote, fascicule_hote, cahier_hote, discipline_fr, discipline_en, type_these, directeur, codirecteur, pos ORDER BY pos
9 | 0.94 ms |
SELECT document_id, STRING_AGG(CONCAT(p.prenom,' ',p.nom), ', ' ORDER BY aut.rang) AS identite FROM document_autorite aut INNER JOIN personne p ON aut.personne_id = p.id INNER JOIN document d ON aut.document_id = d.id WHERE aut.document_id IN (1175,2971) AND ( (d.type_id IN (1,2,4,6,8) AND aut.role_id = 1) OR (d.type_id IN (3,7) AND aut.role_id = 2)) GROUP BY document_id
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
Class | Mapping errors |
App\Entity\Personne | No errors. |
App\Entity\Url | No errors. |
App\Entity\CollectionDirecteur | No errors. |
App\Entity\DocumentAutorite | No errors. |
App\Entity\Collections | No errors. |
App\Entity\Document | No errors. |
App\Entity\Langue | No errors. |
App\Entity\Type | No errors. |
App\Entity\Role | No errors. |
App\Entity\Paratexte | No errors. |
App\Entity\Editeur | No errors. |
App\Entity\Support | No errors. |
App\Entity\InfosElement | No errors. |
App\Entity\InfosThese | No errors. |
App\Entity\DocumentUrl | No errors. |
App\Entity\DocumentParatexte | No errors. |
App\Entity\DocumentLangue | No errors. |
App\Entity\DocumentMotCle | No errors. |
App\Entity\Resume | No errors. |
App\Entity\DocumentParatexteElement | No errors. |